My name is Gretchen Maelle and I am a Washington State Certified Reflexologist and a National Board Certified Reflexologist.
I received my Washington State license in 2016 (RF #60727161) and my national certification in 2017 (NRCB #01683)
I received my certification in Reflexology Lymph Drainage in March 2021 and am listed on the ReflexologyLymphDrainage.co.uk page as an approved RLD Practitioner in the US.
Past President of the Washington State Reflexology Association from January 2018 - March 2021 (Washingtonreflexology.org)
I am a current member of the American Reflexology Certification Board (arcb.net)
As of April 2022, I am one of the Board Directors of the the American Reflexology Certification Board, testing students and reviewing their documentation for national certification.

I have lived in Washington State in both Seattle and on the Eastside on and off since 1972. Prior to my work in Reflexology, I worked as a Dental Surgical Assistant for 16 years. I specifically worked with a Periodontist (gingival tissue specialist) for 8 years before transitioning over to working with a General Dentist in the Redmond area for the last 9 years. I continue to help out at that office as needed on Tuesdays for dental surgeries and cleanings. Prior to dentistry, I was a Marine Biologist for about 20 years, working with both the National Marine Fisheries as a Research Biologist and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a Seafood Specialist and Investigator.
I have always loved the healing touch, and decided in 2014 that I wanted to spend the rest of my working days helping people relax with a loving, caring and healing touch. I was looking into the benefits of a massage license in 2015 when I stumbled upon Reflexology. I had one Reflexology session and that was my "A-ha!' moment. I LOVED how I felt afterwards! Later that same day I was cleaning out my accumulation of books from college when I found 3 books on Reflexology I didn't realize I had. That was the "official" sign for me to pursue this field! I signed up immediately at the Seattle Reflexology and Massage Center to obtain my training and Professional Certification.
I continually expand my education and knowledge of Reflexology by taking continuing education courses through the Washington State Reflexology Association as well as various local, state and international course offerings. As of March 3, 2021 I have successfully completed my case study and received my certification for Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage, and am now listed as one of 32 people in the United States with this level of certification. I am one of four people here in Washington State with this certification and can be found listed as a RLD practitioner on the official international website: reflexologylymphdrainage.co.uk